Anteater Express is committed to meeting the transportation needs of all University of California, Irvine affiliates. As part of our commitment, we offer several services to persons with disabilities in order to provide a more enjoyable transportation experience.
Services Provided
– Bus Accessibility Demonstration: Anteater Express personnel will bring a bus to you and demonstrate bus accessibility features including bus kneeling, the mobility device ramp, and mobility device securement.
– Bus Accessibility Welcoming: To introduce you to our service, you can request an Anteater Express team member to meet you as you board the bus to address any questions you may have and ensure a smooth boarding process.
For more information about disability services on the UCI campus visit the Disability Services Center website at
Contact Us
Disability Services
For more information, or to request one of these services, please fill out the form below. An Anteater Express representative will contact you to address any questions you may have and discuss your transportation needs.