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Plan Your Trip

Use our GPS technology to track the location of a bus and to estimate when the bus will arrive at your nearest stop. Route maps provide stop locations and directional information to track the path of the bus. Schedules display the departure times for each stop on a route along with information on route transfers. When utilizing the service make sure to arrive at your stop early.

Know Which Stops Are Timed Stops

The purpose of a timed stop is to keep buses on schedule. At timed stops, buses will not leave prior to their scheduled departure time. At non-timed stops, departure times are only estimates; drivers will drive past a non-timed stop if there are no passengers clearly waiting to board and no passengers on the bus want to exit. Timed stops are denoted by an image of a clock at the top of the schedule for each timed stop location.

Face Covering Policy

The campus rescinded the executive directive on mandatory face coverings effective August 20, 2022.

Face coverings are recommended, but no longer required while riding Anteater Express buses.

Waiting for the Bus

All Anteater Express bus stops have signs posted at the stop that indicate which routes stop at that particular location. Please ensure that the route you intend to ride matches the posted signs. While waiting for the bus, stand on the sidewalk a few feet back from the street – never stand in the street or sit on the curb. This allows the bus to approach stops safely. As the bus approaches, please gather all personal belongings so you are prepared to board once it stops. If the approaching bus is not the one you are waiting for, please indicate to the driver that you are not going to be boarding.

Loading a Bicycle

If boarding with a bicycle, use the folding bike rack at the front of the bus. Follow the instructions on the bike rack and make sure the front tire of the bicycle is secured with the wheel hook before boarding. Alert the driver if you need assistance.

Boarding the Bus

Allow passengers to exit the bus before boarding.

All passengers will board using the front door only. If you would like to use the ramp, please alert the driver and they will assist you with boarding through the front door.

When boarding the bus, choose a seat that is open at your earliest convenience. If no seats are available, you may fill all available standing room.

The seats nearest the driver are designated for seniors and persons with disabilities. If you choose to sit in these seats, please be prepared to move if needed.

For your safety, remain seated during the ride or if standing, hold on to a hand strap or handrail.

Exiting the Bus

To ensure that a driver stops at your desired stop, pull the stop request cord immediately after leaving the stop that precedes your desired stop. This will alert the driver of your desire to exit at the next stop. Pulling the cord too soon or too late may confuse the driver as to which stop you would like.

When exiting, please take all of your belongings with you, including trash. Exit through either door and watch your step. Please move a safe distance away from the bus to allow it to depart.

Don’t Cross In Front of the Bus

If you need to cross the street after exiting the bus, please exercise caution and use designated crosswalks. In addition, please wait until the bus departs so that you have a clear view of the road and traffic has a clear view of you when you cross.


For a safe and enjoyable ride, respect your fellow passengers and the drivers.